Jennie Finch Michelle Smith Lisa Fernandez Jennie Finch Michelle Smith Lisa Fernandez
There are a few famous people from Warren, PA. To name a few would be Joe Brown a famous baseball player, Art Johnson another famous baseball player, Tom Tellmann in baseball and Ed O'neil a famous football player.
what famous people were born in Reading, PA
possible accidents
Shin Dong Pa
Aloha: kinipopo pa hale [keenee po-po pa halay]
MLB player Devin Mesoraco was born in Punxsutawney, PA.
MLB player Chris Heisey was born in Lancaster, PA.
MLB player Don Kelly was born in Butler, PA.
MLB player Erik Kratz was born in Telford, PA.
MLB player J.J. Hoover was born in Pittsburgh, PA.
MLB player Jeff Bianchi was born in Lancaster, PA.
MLB player Josh Edgin was born in Lewiston, PA.