There is no question or it is incomplete. If the question is what is the likely hood of the player making on free throw: .79. likely hood of making 2 in a row: .79 x .79 or .6241, making n baskets in a row: .79n .
69 percent of canadians
About 20 percent :)
Basketball is considered to be the most popular sport in the Philippines. It is estimated that 40 percent of the population of men in the Philippines have or do play basketball regularly.
.01 percent
No, it was not successful; False.
The ratio between black to white basketball players is about 78 percent to 17 percent. The remaining 5 percent is made up of Latinos and Asian players.
a circle with a certain percent at a certain mesurement.
No, it was not successful; False.
About 30 percent.
Was the freedmen bureau successful? a. Yes in many cases but not 100 percent.
An average of 25%.