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Q: 5 points about the chemical composition or production of hockey sticks?
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Are boiling points and freezing points examples of chemical properties?

No, boiling points and freezing points are examples of physical properties, not chemical properties. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to form new substances, while physical properties describe characteristics that can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

In hockey What does PTS mean?

points PTS stands for points in hockey, a player gets one point for a goal and one point for an assist.

How many points does a team get if it ties in ice hockey according to the National Hockey League NHL rules?

10 Points

How do you get half of a point in hockey?

There are no half points in hockey, only figure skating.

What properties can help you determine whether a substance is molecular or ionic?

Examples: melting and boiling points, solubility in water or organic solvents, chemical composition.

What counts towards a NJ high school hockey players points?

As in all hockey games, points are made up of the player's goals and assists.

What does the hockey statistic PL mean?

Points Leader

What does ppp mean in hockey?

PPP in hockey stands for Power Play Points. It refers to the total number of points (goals and assists) a player has accumulated while their team is on a power play.

How do you get production points in rising cities?

Production points are based around farms. The higher one has upgraded a farm, the more efficient their production becomes. The production doubles each level, while the production points increase by half. One must then continue to spend production points in order to earn more of them in the long run.

Why caries are more common in females than males?

caries is more common in females because 3 points less saliva production in females,during pregnancy chemical composition ofsaliva changes increase in estrogen harmone during pregnancy and lactation results in increased caries changed food habits in pregnancy

How many points do you get for a shoot out?

you get 2 points

What country won hockey 2011?

Hockey 2011 world cup won by Pakistan by 2-1 points.