It means you should write your name using capital letters. E.g.: William Shakespeare.
Block capitals are a capitals letter written by hand, especially ones which are particularly bold or thick.
Roman numerals written in block capitals.
MI6 (the British Military Intelligence) agency is always spelled with capitals.
Using block capitals in official forms helps ensure that the information provided is clear, readable, and consistent. It helps prevent mistakes in reading handwritten or cursive letters, especially when the information is digitized or scanned. Additionally, block capitals are easier to process by optical character recognition systems, which may be used for data entry and verification.
It is assumed that those that write in all capitals are shouting. If there is a monitor, you will get a warning. If no monitor exists then you will irritate people into saying rude things to you.
Deserts countries and their capitals
It means write your name legibly with letters separated, preferably using capital letters to maximize legibility.
Two state capitals that have United States Presidents in their name are Jefferson City, MO and Lincoln, NE. Madison, WI and Jackson, MS are two more capitals named for Presidents.
because Capitals in an e-mail indicate you are yelling