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Q: Who opened the ront door with a latchkey?
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latchkey front door

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Brently came in the with a latchkey?

Brently entered the house with a latchkey, which is a key that can open a door equipped with a latch. This suggests that Brently has access to the house independently and doesn't need someone to let him in.

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What Year? on my 67 it's right in ront of the drivers door on the side kick pannel.

What is the origin of latchkey kid?

The term "latchkey kid" originated in the 1940s to describe children who would let themselves into their homes with a key because their parents were not home. The latchkey referred to the key that would unlock the latch on the door. The term became popular during a time when more mothers were joining the workforce and children were left unsupervised after school.

How can you use a word opened in a sentence?

Let's see what happened when he opened that door... The dog opened the doggie door slowly, at first.

Who was Commodore Perry in the War of 1812?

He opened the door to trading with Japan He opened the door to trading with Japan

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You don't know it was Marcia that opened the Fire Door in the past.

How is a door like a valve?

A door and a valve can be opened and closed.

When you opened the door of the haunted house?

when i opened the door of a haunted house i felt a really big breeze just walk out the door and my intestines felt really weird........

When the narrator opened the door the first time in The Raven who was there?

When the narrator opened the door the first time in "The Raven," there was no one there. The narrator was puzzled by the empty space outside his door.