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Q: Where is attack athletics gym located?
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Is peak athletics the best cheer gym?

Yes it is and great gymnastics.

What do you learn in gym class?

In gym class, you learn how to play athletics, for example, soccer or whiffleball. They will show you examples and aLOT of other things

Where is the fifth gym located in Pokemon diamond How do I get there?

hearthome gym. you know where that is.

Where is the 6 gym in blue?

The 6th gym is located in Fortree City.

How do you use rock smash in Pokemon platinum?

Defeat the first Gym Leader.The Gym Leader is going to give you the Rock Smash attack. Teach a Pokemon the attack. Then you can break cracked rocks.

Where is the last gym located IN RED?

The last gym is found in Viridian City

Where is the Fighting type Gym Leader Maylene Located in Pokemon Platinum?

The Fighting type gym leader, Maylene, is located in Veilstone City.

What is the best starter Pokemon for diamond and pearl?

I think Piplup is the best because it is easy to vs the first 3 gyms. on the first gym all you need is bubble or a water type attack! on the second gym, all you need is peck or a flying type attack, and the 3rd gym, all you need is the same as the 2nd gym! for the third gym, i suggest you catch a starly and evolve it into a staravia or staraptor!

Where is the 6th gym on Pokemon pearl?

The Sixth Gym Leader is Byron. He uses Steel types. His gym is located in Canalave City.

How do you get the key for eighth gym for emerald?

There is no key for the 8th Gym. You have to look for Wallace in order to access the gym. He's located in the Cave of Origin, which is directly north of the gym.

Where the 7th gym bage is in emerald?

The seventh gym badge in Emerald is located in Mossdeep City.

Where is the UFC gym located that is on TV?

The gym used in TUF on spike tv is in Las Vegas.