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1. Manchester

2. London

3. Liverpool

4. Plymouth

5. Blackpool

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Q: Where did foot locker open their first store?
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Foot Locker what time does it open and close?

I think at a time when you actually tuch or do something with it im not quite what

150 lockers first kid opens each door next kid closes every other door third kid changes every third door if you are the last kid of 150 what will your door be?

well if all the kids started opening the first locker and then counted then the last kid would only open the first locker. If they started with their number then they would be the 150th locker open or closed If its the first locker you would close the locker if its the last locker you would close the locker

What is the answer to the locker problem?

The answer to the locker problem is every perfect square is a locker that is open.

How do you unlock a school locker?

get the comic,then it will say a number.copy it and the locker will open

How do you open the locker to get the pliers in Hotel Dusk?

Go to Linens and open the unlocked locker next to the door. Open the toolbox inside it and get the plier.

How do you make a click and open locker on roblox?

There are at least two ways to do this. First off you could put a click detector in a brick on the locker, then program the door to open or close when the button is pushed. Alternatively, you could program a tool that opens and closes the locker when you click on it, though this would be much more complicated than the first solution.

How do you figure out someone opened your locker?

If your things are in an order that they were not in before or if the locker is open when you get there.

Which locker do you open on Wimpy Wonderland?

you look for the locker that is different then the others :-D

When did hamleys open?

when did hamleys first store open

How do you get the locker open on big nate island on poptropica?

You will get the code from the comics. When you find the comics you will have the code. Use it to open the locker.

What is the code in dragonfable at the locker in the first quest?

i tried all numbers (1-999) and it dousnt open!

How do you open miles locker without the combination?

break it open