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Q: What was the most important pilgrimage in Europe?
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What were the important pilgrimage routes in Britain and Europe?

the most important places to pilgrimage is Spain Italy Germany and Greece

Important pilgrimages route Britain Europe?

Canterbury was a pilgrimage destination in England. There were also pilgrimage routes leading across France into Spain to the pilgrimage sites of Montserrat and Compostela.

Where were pilgrimages in medieval Europe?

A pilgrimage was a trip to a shrine for the purpose of worship. There were shrines all over Europe, and there could be pilgrimages to all these shrines. Some were historically very important, and others were not. Among the most important destinations for Christians were Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela, and Canterbury. Muslims had pilgrimages as well. The most important Muslim destinations were not European, however, but in the Middle East. There is a link to an article on Christian Pilgrimage below, and it has lists of the most important destinations.

What are the most important pilgrimage routes in Britain and Europe?

=one of the main routes in Britain was to Thomas Becket's shrine in Canterbury!!!!!==ya ya=

Which is the most sacred pilgrim centre of Muslims?

Mecca is the most important pilgrimage in Islam.

Anything about Santiago the pilgrimage route?

The pilgrimage route to Santiago de Campostela is called the Way of St. James in English. It was one of the most important pilgrimage routes in Western Europe, and consists of a network of roads commonly used to get the the cathedral and shrine, starting as far off as Germany and Italy. There is a link below to an article that provides more information.

Where is Hinduism place of pilgrimage?

Hindus don't have any one place of pilgrimage... but one of the most important sites for pilgrims is Varanasi (Benaras), located near the Ganges River.

What are the most important resources in Europe?

Europe's most important resources are coal, oil, lumber, water, livestock, etc.

What is the most important thing to do on a pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage itself is a very important belief of a Muslim. It is one of our pillars of ISLAM. our intentions means alot. some people perform umrah before hajj. that is not necessary but contributes to good deeds.

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Is Saint Peter's Basilica a place of pilgrimage?

Yes, it is an important Catholic place of pilgrimage.

What is eruopes most important river?

The Danube is Europe's most important river.