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Q: What subwoffer is better kicker or fusion?
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Which is better kicker or pyle subwoofer?

Kicker is a much better quality subwoofer than Pyle, and it will have much better bass as well.

What are subwoffers?

a subwoffer is esentially a bigspeaker to amplify bass.

Is a sealed or ported box better for kicker comp subs?

I have 2 kicker comps n a sealed box and they slam

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What size subwoffer will fit in a 9 inch hole?

8 inch sub

In football what place kicker is better to use for a beginner a 1 inch block or a 2 inch block?

a 2 in block is easier but a 1 inch block will teach the kicker to kick off the ground better like the pros

Witch is better a fusion paintball gun or an Ion paintball gun?

fusion is much better ions need to be fully upgraded

How much would a subwoffer cost?

just the subwoffer alone can range from 80$ to about 1000$ depending. a whole system will cost at the least 500$ and a good system can be upto 10000$ its all about how much money you are wiling to spend on your hobbie or how hard you want it to pound.

Are kicker speakers good replacements for factory speakers?

hell yeah anythings better than factory

Who is a better kicker between David Akers and Adam Viniteiri?

Adam viniteri im a colts fan

How can I make my system better or the bass hit harder. I have a kicker comp 10 with ported box and a kicker mono 250.1 amp with bass noob. It's all kicker.?

Put foil inside your box..take out all of your air leaks..put a pillow inside the box..get thicker wires..

Separation of power vs fusion of power..which is better and why?

Separation of power is better; although fusion of power probably runs more smoothly. When power is separated it is much harder for one branch to get too powerful.