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Here's how a good attendance management system can benefit your organization in the long run. A good Attendance & Payroll Management System becomes a very vital element in the way you conduct your business administrative tasks.

Cilfi Hrms Attendance App just do that, it empowers employees and facilitates employer to streamline attendance and salary process. Few features are listed below:

- Self Attendance with optional Selfie and Geo Fencing  

- Team Attendance marking based on In/Out time for Supervisor/Managers

- Monthly Attendance marking based on Present/Absent for Supervisor/Managers

- Night Shift

- Break time for Personal/Official purpose

- Overtime calculation

- Advance payment facility

- Attendance Dashboard

- Various reports for Attendance/Salary/Overtime/Advance/Payslip, easily downloadable in pdf/excel

- Highly customizable rules on Company and Employee level

It's available free on Google store, download now and try it once

Free Employee Attendance App, Payroll Tracking App – Apps on Google Play You can also visit website (CILFI HRMS - FREE ATTENDANCE APP | Cilfi - HRM Solution (CILFI HRMS - FREE ATTENDANCE APP | Cilfi - HRM Solution )) to know more.


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Sanjeev Gupta

Lvl 4
βˆ™ 4y ago
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shubham sharma

Lvl 3
βˆ™ 4y ago

Yes, the ubiAttendance App is the best employee attendance solution to track attendance. It offers the surest way to track office & field employee's time & Attendance with Selfie & location. Trusted by Companies in 50 countries! Shortlisted in Digital India App Innovate Challenge.

Check Attendance with 100% accuracy for employees, onsite workforce, or students with equal ease through our attendance app. Check time records & attendance history effortlessly. Spot late comers and find early leavers.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Make should you go to bed on time and set your clock so you will not be late

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Having good attendance means you actually care for what your professor is doing, in school. At work, good attendance means no salary discounts because no employer likes their employees to be absent.

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First place and prioritize are both synonyms for the word priority. Urgent is sometimes used in place of priority.

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Our philosophy is to give customers what they want, when they want it, and on their own terms. Also, we put the highest priority on increasing the value of our shareholders' investment in Firstar Corporation. It is the reason that we come to work each day

Can you be sacked if ive been signed off sick?

(in the US) You can be discharged regardless of your attendance status UNLESS you are off work due to a Workman's Compensation finding or award.

What is good attendances?

good attendance is being prepared for work or school or wherever it is you may be going. Being on time, not leaving early, or coming back from a lunch break on time is good attendance. Never missing work as well!

How do you work out percentage of attendance for example if Ive attended 208 of 230 days what is the percentage of my attendance?

It is: 208/230 times 100 = 90.435% rounded to 3 decimal places

Profit and attendance?

All companies strive to have their profits increase every year. One way that this can happen, is to have the employees have a good attendance record so the work gets done.

Why is good attends important?

First of all, good attendance starts in school from what the teachers have taught you to the work force. By having good attendance, it shows that you are responsible and that you have self discipline.l