10 feet, same as any other field goal post.
10,, becuz a field goal is 3 and a touch down is 7
120 yards. 100 yards of field and 2 10 yard endzones.
It is 120 yards from goal post to goal post. This includes the 100 yard playing field and 10 yards for each endzone.
10 yds
In short - yes. A field goal is calculated from the spot of the kick to the goal posts - so line of snap+10 yds (end zone) plus length from snap to hold (usually 7 yds)
From goal post to goal post, it is 120 yards. The endzones are 10 yards long each, in addition the the 100 yards of the playing field.
120 yards (including two 10 yard end zones)
yes you can but i am 10 i dont know how!
120 yards. Each end zone is 10 yards, plus the 100 yards between goal lines.
A water polo goal, a shot clock, a score board, a water polo ball, and last but not least the player. Water polo swimming apparel are speedos, and a cap saying the number/team color. No goggles are worn.