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Easy answer: POC Skull Comp.

As I ski racer, I know what kind of requirements needed to protect my noggin. Previously had Uvex, which sucked. Got a concussion with it, shocks broke in it.

I have to say Leedom is not very into what the top racers are wearing for helmets. Don't go with leedom.

Boeri competition is a good helmet as well.

Shred is probably the number 2 best helmet with Briko and Boeri tailing behind it.

POC is completely on top with safety.

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13y ago
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13y ago

xenith x1 by far

The xenith is an okay helmet, but according to broad tests conducted by an impact safety panel the helmet which most decreases impact to your brain is the Schutt Ion 4d. The Ion reduced impact over every other helmet by as much as 46%. The Xenith registered as having a slightly better impact rating than the VSR-4. The VSR-4 has been released for the better part of 20 years.

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13y ago

Right now i think it is POC helmets & armor

Easy answer. POC!

i've had uvex and it just is not safe at all.

Poc is so comfortable and has the best safety features.

Shred is great too and Briko isn't bad either.

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16y ago

I think the revolution is. Actually it is the schutt ion 4d.

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with windex covering the outside shell of the helmet

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