As the new Yankees stadium was being constructed... Red Sox fan Gino Castagnoli infiltrated the ranks of one of the crews pouring concrete for the new stadium... and told friends that he'd planted David Ortiz's jersey in the cement outside the visitors' clubhouse...When the Yankees learned of the jersey stunt... they brought out a jackhammer and dug it up. It cost $45,000 to recover the jersey...which was later sold for $175,000 with proceeds going to the Jimmy Fund...
The new Yankee Stadium is the home of the Yankees. The Yankees said farewell to the old Yankee Stadium in '08.
It is still named Yankee Stadium.
The new Yankee Stadium was opened in 2009.
The new Yankee Stadium was opened in 2009.
No, Yankee Stadium is open.
The old stadium was called "The House That Ruth Built","The Cathedral of Baseball" & "The Bronx Zoo". The new stadium is called "New Yankee Stadium", "Yankee Stadium II" & "The Big Ballpark in the Bronx".
Yankee Stadium is located in the New York City Bronx borough.
Technically it is, but it isn't used for that.
Monument Park at Yankee Stadium was relocated to the new Yankee Stadium. The new flagpole has a height of 60 feet.
The new Yankee Stadium is located at: One East 161st Street, Bronx, NY.
There are 50,086 seats at the new Yankee Stadium. Including standing room the stadium can hold 52,325.
Yankee stadium
New York Yankee Stadium has 50 bathrooms.