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Q: What is the name of the horn you see at games you can yell into?
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Another name for French Horn?

the F-horn or simply the horn which is the name recommended by the international horn society. It is also called 'cor' or 'cor d'harmonie' in French."un cor d'harmonie" in French, simply 'a horn' in English, also called a 'F-Horn'

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What do you do when you see a yellow car?

Punch my boyfriend and yell "YELLOW CAR!"

1981 El Camino horn and alarm not working?

Check the horn fuse first to see if its blown. Then check the horn relay, next the wiring to see what is causing the problem.

Where is horn located on 2003 Chevy Malibu?

the horn is easier to get to,if you remove the right side headlight housing!! then you can see horn.

1988 Pontiac fiero horn won't work any suggestions on how to fix?

Did you check to see if the fuse isn't blown in the fuse box? Check to see if you are getting a good ground when the horn is pressed. Then check to see if the horn is even getting power. If it is then your horn is probably bad.

Why vehicles use headlight dipper at night instead of horn?

You can't see a horn

Horn does not work on your 2004 stratus fuse is ok?

check the voltage at the horn and see if its getting 12 volts. If it is getting 12 volts then the horn is no good. If its not getting 12 volts then the wire from the horn needs to be traced back to see if there's a break some where in the positive wire. try checking to see if the horn button on the steering wheel is working properly.

What do you have to do when you see a buggy?

Punch the person next to you and yell, "PUNCH BUGGY NO PUNCH BACKS!!"

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How do you fix a horn that doesn't work on a 2000 Chevy Malibu The relay and fuse are both good?

first remove wire to horn. see if power is going to horn when horn button is pushed. if it does its a horn problem, if not it is probably in the horn button itself.