

What is receptive field?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is receptive field?
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Describe the relationship between size of the receptive field and acuity or discriminative ability of the recetor?

Smaller receptive fields tend to have higher acuity and discriminative ability because they can differentiate finer details or stimuli within their range. Larger receptive fields typically have lower acuity and are more suited for detecting broader or global features.

What inferences can be made regarding receptor densities and receptive fields?

Higher receptor densities may lead to more sensitive detection of stimuli and a more refined discrimination of sensory inputs in the receptive field. Lower receptor densities may result in decreased sensitivity and a broader receptive field. Additionally, differences in receptor densities can influence the spatial resolution and acuity of sensory systems.

What is receptive in Tagalog?

"Receptive" in Tagalog can be translated as "mapagbigay-pansin" or "maunawain."

The area of the skin where stimulation generates action potentials in a particular sensory neuron is called that neuron's?

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How do you use the word receptive in a sentence?

The principal was receptive to new ideas. The brain was receptive to dopamine. Receptive people listen well. The usually receptive Nadine was tired of listening to everybody's ideas.

What the meaning of open and closed body posture?

Receptive/not receptive

Distinguish among the functions Pacinian corpuscles and Meissner corpuscles?

Pacinian corpuscles are deep in the skin and respond to deep pressure and vibration, while Meissner corpuscles are located closer to the skin surface and are sensitive to light touch and texture. Pacinian corpuscles have a larger receptive field and adapt quickly to stimuli, whereas Meissner corpuscles have a smaller receptive field and adapt slowly.

Is receptive a synonym for aloof?

No, "receptive" and "aloof" are not synonyms. "Receptive" means open to new ideas or suggestions, while "aloof" means emotionally distant or reserved.

How many syllables are in the word receptive?

The word receptive has three syllables. (Re-cep-tive)

What does receptable mean?

Receptive means that someone is able to accept something. If you are receptive of ideas, it means you have an open mind and can think about many new things. If you are receptive, you might also be open to take in information, or to accept items. Receptive means capable or qualified for receiving. If someone is ready or willing to receive favourably then they are said to be receptive.

Where is the word receptive in of mice and men?

The word "receptive" does not specifically appear in the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.