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it is hiring of service or services

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Q: What is locatio conductio operarum?
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What is meant by the term locatio conductio operarum?

it is the hiring of a service or services

What is meant by the term conductio locatio operis?

Locatio conductio operis is a type of contract in Roman Law. It is a consensual contract (meaning that the property has to be transferred from one party to the other and that the obligation arising should be for the return of that thing), where one party (locator) gives the other party Labour, and the other party (condductor) gives him a pay (merces) for return. It is basically a subtype of rent, of which the object is labour.

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The factory stereo didn't have an external amplifer.

What is locaio conductio operis?

is it something like temperature only temperature is name temperature and conduction is like conduction because is like same name