a hut is when a QB snaps the ball... he says "hut hut hike!"
Hut : a primitive dwelling built of grasses or leaves, usually with a roof of similar material. Hut : a counting syllable used in close-order military drills, and in American football.
The guy who calls hut
The hut hut hut that American football players, mainly the quarterback or the punter, does that because that makes the two teams get ready for the play. Even though it not always hut; it could be on first sound, which means the quarterback sets up and says any word and the play is live. This answer is entirely true, however there is a little more to it than that. It seems simple enough, it's a simple word. The origin of the word "hut" in terms of being a command dates back to at least the Roman Centurions. They would give a command and then shout "hut" to communicate that the command was to be executed at that time. For example, a Roman Centurion may say, "Centurion, forward march - HUT!" The Centurion would normally continue to shout hut every 4 steps in order to keep the soldiers marching in a uniformed fashion. So now you know when a QB says "hut!", what he is really saying is, "execute." The reason Hut is particularly well liked is because, well think of noise as being high frequency and low frequency. In a football stadium, the noise is high frequency. Hut, however, is low frequency, meaning it is easier to hear.
Newport American Legion Community Hut was created in 1934.
American Legion Hut-Des Arc was created in 1934.
You can say whatever, usually its Color Number Color Number, then Go or Hut, sometimes you don't have to say either
The term "hut" is derived from Military cadence marching. Sometime around the 1950s, it was adapted for use by quarterbacks, because it is short and has a distinctive sound. Please see the related links below for a great article regarding the origins of Hut in the NFL.
it is called a branch
Till it gets its quarterback u retard
No, Iceland football is different from American football.
Football (with a hut-hut-hike) was invented in 1900's or 1890s, but wasn't widely popular until around 1930, after the major professional franchises began attracting fans. The National Football League was founded in 1920. US College football had become organized under the IAUSS in 1906 (became the NCAA in 1910)..
The players are wearing helmets which can make it hard to hear. Especially with all of the background noise. Not to mention you're on a timer and you can't be repeating yourself over and over.