I am dressing up as a female Raiders version of the NFL robot on FOX. I need a name that is sexy and edgey that ties into being a Raider super fan. I am friends with Cin Metal and we are stumped on a name. HELP US Raider Nation!!
no. god hates the raiders and always will.
Because they were seen As outlaws they gave cheap shots. Only makes me more proud to be a Raider fan..
No the 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers were not invited to the White House. Must of been a Raiders fan....
I don't really know but I am a huge fan of the RAIDERSthey are the best team I have ever seen so I think they got it by an American Rock.
in my opinion,the perfect name of mj fan page is michaelmania
Super smash flash and Pokemon indigo.
Super can Super fan Super pan Blooper man Pooper man
fANTOM that could be a name
It was the name of a Persian king, and has good history but... I'm no fan of Miley, so that's up to preference.
I thought it was pretty good, i guess you have to be a big fan to actually think it's super cool.
as an eagles fan i hope super bowl 45 we go and win our first super bowl that be nice also because itd be for the 2010 season and that's a nice even number to set your first super bowl win but either way any year i hope we will win one, if the Saints can do it we can to -Cody Kirk, Elkton, Maryland 2/25/2010