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Q: What causes pressure inside an inflated soccer ball?
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What causes a soccer ball to bounce?

the air inside of it

What is inside a inflated ball?

An inflated ball typically contains air or another gas that is used to expand the ball and give it its shape. Some balls, such as soccer balls or basketballs, may also have an inner bladder that holds the air inside the outer casing.

Do soccer players prefer soft balls or fully inflated ones?

Soccer players require a fully inflated ball. A fully inflated ball can be kicked farther and rolls farther. Ideally you should use a pressure gauge and inflate to the maximum pressure listed on the ball. If your pump doesn't have a gauge, if the ball has just a little give when pressed with your finger tips it is close enough. If you can't make a slight indentation with your finger tips, it's over inflated. If you can make over a half inch indentation, it needs more air. A properly inflated ball seems hard for younger players, but they're not going to hurt their foot if they are kicking properly.

Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

Yes, the air pressure inside a soccer ball affects its bounce. An underinflated ball will have a lower bounce as there is less air pressure pushing against the ground to propel it back up. Conversely, an overinflated ball will have a higher bounce due to the increased air pressure inside.

Could water get in a soccer ball?

Not if were properly inflated, otherwise yes.

How do you inflate a balloon by using science?

You can inflate a balloon by using the principles of gas expansion. When you blow air into a balloon or fill it with helium, the gas molecules inside the balloon move faster and spread out, causing the balloon to expand and increase in volume. This increase in volume creates pressure inside the balloon, making it appear inflated.

What was the first rugby ball made from?

It was made of pig skin stitched in panels and had a pigs bladder inside which was inflated. The first rugby balls were NOT shaped as we see today but were nearly like a soccer ball

How a soccer ball is put together?

Soccer balls are made from pieces of leather, which are shaped so that, when stitched together and inflated, they form a sphere.

What is the official psi for a soccer ball?

Official FIFA soccer balls must be inflated to 12.5-13.5 pounds per square inch.(PSI).

When I inflated a soccer ball it had creases that wont go away how do I fix this?

A trick to taking out the wrinkles from a soccer ball that has not been inflated for a while is to let some air out of the ball. Then, air the ball up again while heating the ball with a hair dryer.

- Does the air pressure of different balls effect the distance?

Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.

What ball bounces the highest basketball soccer ball or a kick ball?

A basketball will typically bounce higher than a soccer ball or kickball. The higher bounce is due to the basketball being inflated to a higher pressure compared to the other two balls, resulting in greater elasticity and rebound potential.