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Big S, little t = abbreviation for the word "saint"

Big L = for "Louis"

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Q: What Letter are on cardinals' caps?
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Related questions

What is the name of the peaked caps that cardinals wear?

A bishop's mitre

What is initial caps?

Initial Caps are when you capitalize the first letter of each word.

Candy that starts with the letter I?

ice caps

Why do people use the computer shift?

If you want to CAPS the first letter in the sentence you could hold shift and that letter instead of hitting caps on and off and on and off

When caps lock is on its lower casing your letters instead of capitalizing them?

You can Un caps lock it by pressing the caps lock once again .... Or if you keep it on caps lock you have to hold shift and then the letter you want and it will appear lower case

What is function of caps lock?

It capitalizes any letter that you will type

How can change small letter text to capital letter text viz virsa in word excel?

Highlight what you want to change, press Shift+F3 to switch between "all small letter", "all caps" and "only first letter of words caps".

What is the letter pi?

The letter before Pi is Omicron reprsented by 'O' in caps and 'o' in small case.

Drop caps look better if you increase of the first line?

Drop caps generally look better if you decrease the line height of the first letter.

What is the letter before pi?

The letter before Pi is Omicron reprsented by 'O' in caps and 'o' in small case.

What is pressed to make sure every letter that is typed will be a capital?

Caps lock

What is the lock with a capital letter A in the center mean when seen on the bottom bar of your computer screen?

A lock with a capital letter 'A' is a common symbol for caps lock. Just a reminder that it's in caps lock to prevent extra frustration