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Q: What Jet quarterback when asked if he preferred grass or AstroTurf replied you do not know you never smoked AstroTurf?
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Related questions

Which of the First Ladies were smokers?

Dolley Madison smoked a pipe on occasion but preferred snuff. Grace Coolidge, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bess Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Pat Nixon, and Laura Bush all reportedly smoked a cigarette at least occasionally.

How much damage does cannabis do to the body?

Minor lung damage if smoked in excess or along with tobacco products such as blunts, or tobacco for spliffs. If no damage is preferred, use a vaporizer.

Is all salmon smoked?

Not all salmon is smoked. Some are not smoked.

Does smoked salmon have nitrates?

Processed and smoked fish such as smoked salmon and smoked tuna sometimes contain amounts of sodium nitrite.

Is bacon smoked?

Fresh bacon is NOT smoked, but to eat bacon you can smoked, boiled, fried, baked, or grilled.

What can one cook with smoked paprika?

One can cook many things with smoked paprika. The most popular items to cook using smoked paprika are pumpkin soup with smoked paprika and smoked paprika roasted chicken.

Do you put mayonnaise in smoked salmon pasta?

No, smoked salmon pasta is basicly pasta, smoked salmon and cream.

What is the present perfect tense of smoke?

I/We/You/They have smokedHe/She/It has smoked

What are some recipes with smoked sausage?

There is an easy way you can watch

if you smoked on aug.18 and test on sept.14 will your blood be clean?

if you smoked on aug.18 and test on sept 14 will your blood be clean if you havent smoked sence and you hadnt smoked in over a year?

How do you translate smoked cod into Russian?

Smoked cod - копченая треска

How does pcp enter the body?

It is usually snorted or smoked.