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Q: Is there a train buried under the pitch?
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Where is toussaint l'ouverture buried?

He was Buried Under ground.

Why would you hear a change in pitch if you are on a moving train and the train whistle blows?

You would hear a change in pitch because of the Doppler effect. As the train moves towards you, the sound waves are compressed, resulting in a higher pitch. As the train moves away, the sound waves are stretched, resulting in a lower pitch.

Would you hear a change in pitch if you are on a moving train and the train whistle blows?

Yes, you would hear a change in pitch. As the train approaches you, the pitch of the whistle would sound higher because the sound waves are compressed. As the train moves away from you, the pitch would sound lower as the sound waves are stretched out. This is known as the Doppler effect.

Where are most of Israel's heroes buried?

they were buried under the buildings.

What were the pharaohs buried?

The Pharaoh was buried under or in there pyramid or in there tomb.

Why was Khafra buried under the sphinx?

he built the thing for himself to be buried in

Where were Mayans buried?

Mayans were buried under the houses they lived in. Royalty were buried in tombs, and their servants were killed and buried with them to serve them in the afterlife.

What did they do with slaves after they died?

they buried them in a wooden box and were buried 6 feet under

What happens to the sound of a train whistle as a train approaches and passes you why?

As the train approaches you, the pitch of the whistle increases due to the Doppler effect, which compresses the sound waves. As the train passes you, the pitch decreases as the sound waves stretch out. This change in pitch is a result of the relative motion between you and the train.

Where was Richard I buried?

under ground

Why is the pitch of a train's whistle higher as the train approaches and loweras it moves away?

This is known as the Doppler effect. As the train approaches you, the wavelength of the sound waves it emits are compressed, and therefore the whistle sounds higher. When the train is moving away, the wavelengths are extended, causing the whistle to sound lower. If the train were not moving at all, the pitch you would hear from the whistle would be somewhere between the high and low pitches you hear when the train is moving.

What items are buried under the snow?

There are many items that are buried under the snow. These items can include lawn fixtures and animals for example.