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Q: Is there a place to drop passengers off at Autzen stadium?
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What are the top five loudest college football stadiums?

This is difficult to answer, as most of the claims made for decibel levels seem to be made up, however, I can say that Oregon's Autzen Stadium holds the current record at 127.2 db on October 27, 2007, (according to the Register-Guard 10/28/2007). "Sitting in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Oregon's Autzen Stadium is one of college football's hidden jewels. Before kickoff, Autzen is as peaceful as the Willamette River, which runs through Eugene just a few minutes from the stadium. After kickoff, the fans - even the alumni - forget who they are, where they come from and what their degree is in. The audience adopts a new collective identity for the next three-and-a-half hours: the 12th, 13th and 14th man. Autzen's 59,000 strong make the Big House collectively sound like a pathetic whimper. It's louder than any place I've ever been, and that includes "The Swamp" at Florida, "The Shoe" in Columbus and "Death Valley" at Louisiana State. Autzen Stadium is where great teams go to die." - J. Brady McCollough, The Michigan Daily 9/22/03 "Trust me on Autzen. Just go to the place and soak it all in. Before they throw dirt on you, take a trip to Eugene one fall Saturday. … Autzen Stadium is a zoo; there's no other way to say it. Get inside your own 20 in a tight game, and you can forget about A.) hearing; B.) avoiding false starts and C.) success." - Matt Hayes, SportingNews. "Per square yard, the loudest stadium in the history of the planet." Keith Jackson - ABC Sports. "The Autzen Bounce causes deafness in laboratory rats." - Dennis Dodd, CBSSportsline. "Q: What would you say the loudest stadiums are? Corso: I think Autzen Stadium. Per person, the Oregon stadium is the loudest stadium I've ever been in. The fact that it's so low to the ground doesn't allow the sound to escape." Lee Corso, ESPN GameDay. "If you've never been to a game at Autzen Stadium do yourself a favor and get there soon. One word for the experience. Loud. Hurt your ears loud. Make them bleed loud. The Big Ten has nothing as loud as Autzen." - "It's very tough. The crowd there is unbelievably educated on when to be loud and when to calm down when they have the ball. It's just a very tough environment with the noise and just trying to communicate." - Jeff Tedford, Cal HC "They are very difficult to beat at home. The crowd is, from every report I get, from every coach I've spoken with, a real factor. You have to learn to communicate without talking, because talking doesn't do you any good." - Lloyd Carr, Michigan HC (before playing at Autzen). "That's the loudest stadium I've ever been in." - Lloyd Carr, Michigan HC (after playing at Autzen). "Crowd noise is almost an unfair advantage. You can't check plays, you seemingly have less time on the play clock and everything starts to feel really rushed." - Troy Taylor, Cal QB "They're going to be loud from the first snap until the last snap. They are right on top of you and they're just relentless." - Barry Alvarez, Wisconsin HC. "You can hear a pin drop when their offense is on the field, and when our offense is out there, it's like being in a thunderstorm." - Thomas DeCloud, Cal Safety. As for the top 5? I have not been able to verify any other claimed db marks. If anyone can, please feel free to (citing sources is FTW, not citing sources means you have no leg to stand on).

Is railway station word a noun?

Yes, "railway station" is a noun. It is a place where trains stop to pick up and drop off passengers.

How did the sewage system on the titanic work?

Passengers would perch themselves over the railings to drop a deuce. Third class passengers had to hold it.

Does the bus from Montreal to New York city drop off passengers at JFK?


If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburg to pick up 7 more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more and eve?

If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburg to pick up 7 more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more and eventually arrive at Philadelphia 20 hours later, what's the name of the driver?

If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburgh to pick up seven more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more an?

Then you die!

How do you obtain bickle 76 in gta Liberty City stories?

Drop off 100 Passengers in the Taxi

Is there a drop off and pick up at Gillette Stadium or do you have to park there for the entire concert?

The only way to have a drop off/pick up service is to arrange it before you arrive at the event. Most people just park for the whole event, despite the really high rates for parking surrounding Gillette Stadium.

How are Jumbotrons installed in stadiums?

A Jumbotron is a large-screen TV usually placed in a sports stadium or concert location. They may be hoisted onto already placed stands via a crane, then bolted into place to ensure they do not drop onto the crowd below.

Is this correct 'drop in at your residence'?

A little formal-drop by is better and substitute place or house.

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