

Is Soccer segregation a thing

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is Soccer segregation a thing
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there is no such thing

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the best thing of being a soccer player is the money and u do wat u love 4 a job and that's the best thing about being a soccer player

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Soccer does not affect 'christianality' because there is no such thing as 'christianality'.

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As i know there is no such thing.

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there is no suck thing...

How easy is soccer?

Soccer is very easy the only thing you have to look out for are the different postions

What better soccer or rubey?

1. there is no such thing as "rubey" its "rugby". 2. Soccer is better.

What is a puck in indoor soccer?

It'd be the wrong thing to use. Pucks are for Hockey, not Soccer.

What about soccer information?

well the most best thing you can do in soccer is score a goal always try to pass to your teamats And the best thing is to have fun!