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Depends on where you want to sit. Full season ticket plans (81 games) can be had for as little as $4 per game if you don't mind sitting high up in the deep outfield. If you want to sit in the infield, or at field level, you can pay considerably more, with prices ranging from $12 per game for the best infield seats in the upper deck, to the low $40s for lower level and premium (second) level seats in the infield. There are even higher price points for seats in the first few rows but these are generally unavailable to new season ticket holders.

There are also a variety of other plans to get considerably fewer tickets ranging down from half season (just a bit more expensive per game than full season) to plans in which you just get weekend or premiere games. Details on the latter have not yet been announced for 2011 although they tend to be priced somewhere between full season tickets and individual game prices as you would only be taking the most desirable games and avoiding mid-week games which typically don't draw as well.

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