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Q: How many tons of garbage can fit in a football field?
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Related questions

How many tons does a garbage truck hold?

The amount of material a garbage truck holds, depends on the size of the truck. A typical garbage truck, however, holds about nine tons of garbage.Ê

How do convert 561.00 yards of loose garbage to tons?

25 tons

How much garbage can a garbage truck hold?

Depends how compact-able the garbage is.

How many tons of garbage in the US?

millions and millions the small company i work for we average 30 tons a week and we only pick up about 1400 residential costumers

How many tons of garbage do us households throw away each year?

11 billion

How much does pollution raise sea levels through displacement See the 87000 tons in the Pacific garbage patch for example www.nytimes.com20180322climategreat-pacific-garbage-patch.HTML?

87,000 tons, according to the NY Times: See article: "The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' Is Ballooning, 87,000 Tons of Plastic and Counting"

What weighs 251.3 million tons?

Americans generate 251.3 million tons of garbage per year.

How much garbage is produced per day?

700,000,000,000,000,000,002 tons!

How much garbage goes to waste?

460,580 TONS per year

How much garbage does Germany produce per year?

Germany produces approximately 48.84 tons of garbage per year.

How much garbage is produced in pg county MD a day?

Prince George's County in Maryland produces approximately 1,225 tons of garbage per day.

How much garbage do humans generate in a year?

700 tons of trash. That is equivalent to 1400000 pounds!