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It has about 9500 unobstructed seats... That's according to their web site.... Owen

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Q: How many people can a amphitheatre hold?
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How many seats did the biggest amphitheatre in roman empire have?

The biggest amphitheater in the Roman empire was the Colosseum and it is said that it could hold 70,000 people.

What does an amphitheatre look like?

The amphitheatre is round until it gets to the stage. It has 50,000 seats for people.

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There is evidence to show that the Flavain Amphitheatre had the capability to be flooded, and hold naval battles.

How many people could an amphitheater hold?

All depends on who the amphitheatre was built for. Some were built for rich noble men who could afford private entertainment. For the "commoners" there was usually one or two in a large town . These could usually hold the whole town and maybe some on a nearby one, such as in the lost town of Pompeii. In Pompeii the amphitheatre could hold 20,000 which was the population of Pompeii and a few from the nearby town of Nuceria. This is how the riots of Pompeii started when the pompeiians and nucerians began fighting over a gladiatorial fight.

When was International Amphitheatre created?

International Amphitheatre was created in 1934.

When did International Amphitheatre end?

International Amphitheatre ended in 1999.

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Gibson Amphitheatre was created in 1972.

When was Mesa Amphitheatre created?

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When was Bowery Amphitheatre created?

Bowery Amphitheatre was created in 1833.

When did Bowery Amphitheatre end?

Bowery Amphitheatre ended in 1866.

When was Pacific Amphitheatre created?

Pacific Amphitheatre was created in 1983.