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Mile High Stadium is one mile above sea level

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Q: How far above sea level is mile high stadium?
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Related questions

Why is milehigh stadium called mile high stadium?

Mile High Stadium is called so because it's in Denver. Denver is nicked named that because its elevation is exactly one-mile above sea level, thus a mile high.

How old is Denver mile high stadium?

Mile High Stadium (known as Bears Stadium until 1968) was a baseball, soccer and football stadium that stood in Denver, Colorado from 1948 until 2001. Invesco Field at Mile High replaced the identically sized, but commercially obsolete Mile High Stadium (named for the fact that Denver is exactly one mile above sea level) in 2001. So it was roughly 53 years old before it was replaced.

When did Mile High Stadium end?

Mile High Stadium ended in 2002.

When was Mile High Stadium created?

Mile High Stadium was created in 1948.

What is Colorado's mile high capital?

Denver is the capital city in Colorado. Denver's elevation is 5280 feet above sea level. It is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its elevation is exactly one mile above sea level.

How high is Denver Colorado?

It is 14,115 feet above sea level.

Why is Denver nicknamed city of Mile High City?

Denver's nickname is the "Mile high city' because it is a mile above sea level.

Is mile high stadium in a dome?

No, it is an outdoor stadium.

What is the tallest sports stadium?

Mile High Stadium

What team plays its home games at Mile High Stadium?

The Denver Broncos play their home games at Mile High Stadium.

What does elevation above sea level mean?

Elevation above sea level is a measurement of how high a location is compared to sea level. It indicates the vertical distance between a specific point on the Earth's surface and the average level of the ocean's surface. Elevation is commonly used in geography, cartography, and navigation to describe the height of mountains, hills, or other geographic features.

A mile-high city is how many feet above sea level?