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Q: How do the location and size of a warehouses affect the performance of a firm?
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Why is it important to monitor the macro-environment of a firm?

It is very important to monitor the macro-environment of a firm as they will directly affect the organization. These are external factors that a firm will not have control over and will affect the performance of the business.

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Pay for performance is the best way to link employee behavior to the organization's goals and get them to understand the financial condition of the firm. Pay for performance helps employees become psychologically invested in the success of the company.

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A formal and thorough analysis of the firm's social performance.

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Accenture By Karn jain

What provides the connections between the firm and its environment?

The firm's network of relationships, such as suppliers, customers, competitors, and regulatory agencies, provides the connections between the firm and its environment. These connections help the firm to gather information, resources, and support, and also influence the firm's strategic decisions and performance.

What has the author Wong written?

Wong has written: 'Effects of IT investment on the financial performance of the firm'

What are some financial variables that affect the price-earning ratio?

the price-earnings ratio ( or P/E, as its is commonly called ) is influenced by : 1- the earnings and the sales growth of the firm. 2- the risk ( or volatility in performance ) 3- the debt equity structure of the firm. 4- the dividend payment policy. 5- the quality of management.

Why do we need to study the market structures?

1- The market structure under which a firm operates will affect its conduct,which in turn affects its performance. 2- its facilities effective future planning. 3-Its aids decisions regarding production and output.

How does HRM contribute to the performance of firms?

If you want to hire, fire, give a raise, promote, teach, train, or make a deicison about the human resourse in the firm, then that is where HRM helps in the performance of the firm. Training is a very important part of an employees empowerment and it is on the HRM department to deal with it.

What is strategic surveillance?

Strategic surveillance is designed to monitor events inside and outside the firm that may affect the course of the firm's strategy.

What are the Factors affecting beta of a portifolio?

Factors that affect the beta of a portfolio are the kind of business the firm is in, and the extent of operating leverage the firm has. A third factor is the extent of the firm's financial clout.