

Are minties better than greenies

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Are minties better than greenies
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When was Vilnius Minties Gymnasium created?

Vilnius Minties Gymnasium was created in 1974.

When was The Greenies created?

The Greenies was created on 1970-12-06.

What were the mints made by Rowntrees like Tutti Frooties called?

tutti minties

Are greenies bad for dogs. My Dog eats Greenies frequently and last night and this morning he threw up There were chunks of greenies in it?

Frequent consumption of Greenies may cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs due to their high fiber content and potential for causing blockages. If your dog is vomiting up whole chunks of Greenies, it may be best to consider limiting their intake or choosing a different type of treat that is easier on their digestive system. Make sure to monitor your dog for any signs of distress or continued vomiting and consult with your veterinarian if needed.

How can you retrieve your kite from a tall tree with a packet of minties a hairbrush and a comic?

Use the hairbrush to knock the kite down.

What were greenies during the Vietnam war?

New in country.

What should you do for a dog that ate a whole bag of minties dog treats?

My dog just did the same thing, can't find any answer online

What are greenies?

Greenies was one of the names people called World War 2 refugees when they emmigrated to countries. I think it was mainly used when the orphaned refugee cildrem emmigrated to Canada in late 1940's

What should you do if your bunny has bad breath?

Give it Greenies there for dogs but u can get the mini's

What can we eat that won't make a noise in the kitchen?

well when i was 15 i used to always have midnight snacks if they wernt in the creaky cupboard i used to eat candy canes and minties and redskins!! hope this helps

Why do you use the name fossil fuel?

Because the Greenies think that global warming is happening & that we need to "save the earth".

Why do Wyomingites called Coloradans greenies?

because the license plates are green and because coloradans tend to care more about the enviroment.