It is a golden vase. (see the related question)
Hetty Woodlawn is Caddie's 7 year old sister.
The address of the Woodlawn Branch is: 1811 Woodlawn Dr., Baltimore, 21207 4074
Woodlawn - Birmingham - was created in 1815.
Caddie Woodlawn was created in 1935.
Woodlawn School was created in 2002.
The address of the Woodlawn Nature Center is: 604 Woodlawn Ave, Elkhart, IN 46514
"Caddie Woodlawn" by Carol Ryrie Brink has 275 pages.
You return the golden vase to the Treasury guards, not to the oracle. (see related question)
Holly Woodlawn was born on October 26, 1946.
Holly Woodlawn was born on October 26, 1946.
Woodlawn Quaker Meetinghouse was created in 1869.