It will help you pass the creatine screening if you diluted your urine. If you do nothing else but take creatine, then no you are wasting your time.
will obeclox show on a urine test
No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.
No, that will just dilute your urine and you'll get in trouble for not having the legal amount of creatine in your urine.
A medicine might not show up in the urine test if it is not filtered out through the kidney and into the urine.
I can't be dedected by a stick test, but it could in a lad test. It has creatine in it and some labs now, especially if it's for probation, test for that to see if you used a urine cleaner.
if i drank on wed will it show in my urine test on sat
Lorcet will show up as an opiate on a urine drug test.
how long will benzodiazepine show in urine test
will buspirone show up in a blood or urine test
It will show codeine... and it will show that you abuse drugs.