Wii has no cheats for any games exept the Wii fit game
Why would someone want to CHEAT on an EXERCISE game? Isn't the entire point to get fit, not more fat?
Wii Fit Plus has more activities than Wii Fit & is better than Wii Fit.
They sell the wii fit and wii fit plus disk but nota wii fit
Yes, you need the wii fit balance board to play wii fit or wii fit plus.
No wii fit plus has more games.
Yes a Wii remote can work with Wii Fit.
The wii fit makes you fit.
You don't need the original wii fit software but you definitely need the wii fit balance board!
yes you need a wii fit board to play wii fit
No you need to separately buy Wii fit. Although the Wii comes with Wii Sports.
Wii Fit happened in 2007.