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Women aren't allowed to read in the Gileadian society because it would give them too much freedom and ability to think.

Also, woman are viewed as objects, as a vessel for giving children and nothing else. The men are the breadwinners in this society and the women are the homemakers.

This can be related to the 1800s when the south in America did not want African Americans reading because they are objects and if given the ability to read, then they will become intelligent enough to revolt against the white people.

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Q: Why weren't women allowed to read in A Handmaid's Tale?
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Who wrote the handmaid's tale?

Handmaids tale Author is Margaret Atwood

Is the handmaids tale totalitarian?

'The Handmaid's Tale' is a novel. The government described in the novel is definitely Totalitarian.

The story of the handmaids tale?

Novel by Margaret Atwood, available in paperback.

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A mature person. It is a very good novel.

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In "The Handmaid's Tale," handmaids are fertile women assigned to bear children for high-ranking officials in a society where infertility is widespread. They serve as vessels for reproduction, stripped of their rights and identities, solely valued for their ability to conceive and carry a child to term. Their primary role is to produce offspring to sustain the regime's power structure by providing heirs to the ruling class.

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One ironic aspect in "The Handmaid's Tale" is how the society is called the Republic of Gilead, yet it operates as a totalitarian regime that suppresses individual freedoms. Another irony is the notion of Gilead being created to protect women, when in reality, it oppresses and controls them through strict gender roles and regulations.

Who wrote a handmaids tale?

Margaret Atwood wrote "The Handmaid's Tale," a dystopian novel that explores themes of power, control, and oppression in a society called Gilead. Published in 1985, the novel has gained significant acclaim for its powerful storytelling and social commentary.

How might the bible be an incendiary device The handmaids tale?

In "The Handmaid's Tale," the Bible is used as an incendiary device by the oppressive regime of Gilead to justify their actions and control the population through fear and manipulation. By selectively interpreting and distorting biblical teachings to suit their agenda, the regime enforces strict laws and restrictions on society, particularly on women, to maintain power and authority. This misuse of religion serves as a tool for oppression and suppression of individual freedoms.

What did they eat in the handmaids tale?

In Handmaid's Tale the main characters basically ate the same food that we eat today. However, the handmaid's eat a lot more healthy. From reading, the handmaid's do not eat any processed food. They also have access to meat and fruit, but these foods are considered superflous and were a special treat.

What is a good topic to write about in the Handmaids Tale?

A good topic to explore in "The Handmaid's Tale" could be the impact of oppressive societal structures on individual autonomy and agency, focusing on how characters navigate and resist these systems. You could also delve into the portrayal of gender roles and power dynamics in the society depicted in the novel, and how they reflect our own realities.