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Q: Why were so many people gathered at uncle willie's store at night what did they all have in common?
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What part of speech is the word night in the following sentence you gathered Tuesday night?

"Tuesday night" is a two word adverb of time. For those who insist that a part of speech must be a single word, "night" is an adverb modifying "gathered" and "Tuesday" is an adverb modifying "night".

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William Beech's mum died by suicide you can see chapter 20 in good night Mr Tom on page 379

What do French people wear at night?

Pajamas or some kind of T-shirt are common.

Is night a common or a proper?

The word "night" is a common noun.

What does the word crowd mean?

The word 'crowd' has about 5 definitions. The definitions are below:1. a large number of persons gathered closely together; a crowd of angry people.2. any large number of persons.3. any group or set of persons with something in common; The restaurant attracts a theater crowd.4. audience; attendance; Opening night drew a good crowd.5. the common people; He feelssuperior to the crowd.

Is night a proper or a common noun?

The word "night" is a common noun.

What does willies mum want him to read in Good Night Mr Tom?

Willie's mum wants him to read the Bible in the novel "Good Night, Mr. Tom" by Michelle Magorian. She believes it will provide him with comfort, guidance, and a sense of moral grounding during the difficult times they are experiencing.

Is night a proper noun or a common noun?

The word "night" is a common noun.

Is night a common noun?

common noun

Is last night a common noun?

The term 'last night' is a noun phrase; the adjective 'last' describing the common noun 'night'.

What can people do to prepare for blizzards?

they poo on each other's legs and arms and they rub it into their skin to keep warm. To get water they collect snow in a cup and then urinate in it to melt it into water (pissy water, but water nonetheless). At night when its really cold they erect and rub their willies on each other's skin. No but it's actually pretty horrible

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The young poets have gathered to showcase their work and share their passion for poetry. "Rocked the house" likely means they delivered powerful and engaging performances that resonated strongly with the audience.