Because he was so tall, it was like a regular sized person playing against someone on stilts.
The Big Dipper
Wilt the Stilt, The Big Dipper, and Chairman of the Boards
Wilt "the Stilt", "Goliath", and his favorite, "The Big Dipper" were his nicknames."Wilt the Stilt" or "The Big Dipper"
Wilt Chamberlain nick name was Wilt The Stilt
Wilt the Stilt.
the stilt
He had tons. Here are a few - Wilt the Stilt The Big Dipper Goliath Dippy Dipper Chairman of the Boards
I believe it is Wilt "the Stilt" Chamberlain.
Wilt the Stilt Wilt the stilt.
"The Big Dipper" because he always had to dip his head before entering a room.
Wilt Chaimberlain. He was called "Wilt the Stilt."
wilt Chamberlain