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On April 10, 1815, the largest explosive volcanic eruption since the beginning of recorded history ejected more than 24 cubic miles of magma into the atmosphere. Solar radiation could no longer penetrate the dense atmosphere to warm the earth. The next year crop-killing frosts occurred during the summer months in New England and 1816 was known as "the year without summer."

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Q: Why was 1816 known as the year without summer?
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Was there a year without a summer?

Yes!, there was once a year without a summer in 1816, according to the Glencoe Earth Science Geology, the Environment, and the Universe Text book.

What was important in 1816?

1816 was the 'year without a summer'. The eruption of mount Tambora released large amounts of Sulfur Dioxide into the atmosphere, which reflected sunlight away from the earth, causing global cooling. There were very few crops that year because there were frosts and snows in June. Many people died of starvation

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When it is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere.So the south's winter is in the north's summer.Similarly, six months later, when it is summer in the southern hemisphere it will be winter in the northern hemisphere. So this time, the north's winter will be at the same time as the south's summer.People who live in different hemispheres can say: Our winter is in their summer. Or Their winter is in our summer.So winter can be in summer!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERESTING FACT:The year 1816 was called the "Year Without a Summer" in many parts of the northern hemisphere as a consequence of the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815. The volcanic dust in the upper atmosphere reduced the amount of the sun's heat reaching the earth, and many summer-growing crops were destroyed by the frost, snow and unusually low temperatures. For many it was like winter in summer. (See Related links below)

What does instituted in the year MDCCCXVI mean?

It's the latin number for 1816

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1816 though 1876 Jacob Moroney was here LOL

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Charlotte 1816. Emily 1818. Anne 1820.

Where was joseph smith upstate farm located?

Palmyra, New York was were the Smith farm was located. The town is 20.6 miles east of Rochester, N.Y.The Smith family moved to Palmyra, New York in the summer of 1816.(Footnote: "The date of Mr. Smith's departure for Palmyra may be given as the summer of 1816. (History of Joseph Smith by his Mother, Lucy Smith, page 60))Joseph would have been 11 years old.(Footnote: "It is believed that the Smith family purchased and settled on their farm during the spring or summer of 1818. (History of Joseph Smith by his Mother, Lucy Smith, page 64.))Joseph would have been 13 years old.Note: Erie Canal: Moving to Palmyra, N.Y. was a good decision for the Smith family, especially after 2 years of crop failure. New York state began construction of the Erie Canal in the year 1817, which provided jobs for anyone along the canal's route. Palmyra was one of those canal towns.Note: Tambora Volcanic Eruption of 1815: Tambora's 1815 outburst was the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history. It was so bad that the volcanic ash from the eruption created global climate anomalies that included the phenomenon known as "volcanic winter": 1816 became known as the "Year Without a Summer" because of the effect on North American and European weather. Agricultural crops failed and livestock died in much of the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in the worst famine of the 19th century.

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I do believe it was the summer of 96, Febuary-