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The bulb can be fitted with aluminum reflector to focus the light

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Q: Why is reflector fitted around the torch bulb?
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How torch works?

A torch has six main parts. The bulb, the switch, the batteries, the wiring, the reflector, and the case. The switch connects the batteries to the bulb via the wiring. The reflector focuses the lamp beam, and the case holds all of the parts together.

How a torch works?

A torch has six main parts. The bulb, the switch, the batteries, the wiring, the reflector, and the case. The switch connects the batteries to the bulb via the wiring. The reflector focuses the lamp beam, and the case holds all of the parts together.

What is an electric torch?

A torch consist of a plastic casing,a bulb ,electric cells. a slide switch and a reflector. Firstly complete the circuit and then put two electric cells or batteries into the plastic case.when you close the switch the circuit will be complete and the bulb will glow. The reflector will pass the light too the big distance and and lighten the distance upto where the light the goes.

What thing besides a torch can you make with one small bulb and three batteries?

you can make a torch bulb

How does a bulb glow when a torch is switched on?

If your torch has an incandescent bulb in it, the resistance of the wire in the bulb generates enough heat that light is created. If your torch has an LED bulb, the PN junction in the diode creates light when the diode is forward-biased.

What is the job of the cells and wires and bulb and switch in a torch?

The job of a bulb is to give off heat and light energy

What does br40 mean when it refers to a halogen light bulb?

BR stands for Bulk Reflector, that are traditionally for incandescent reflector lamps, not halogen Par lamps, which mean Parabolic Aluminized Reflector.

How do you replace license plate light bulb on a 2002 jeep grand Cherokee?

Unscrew the screw holding the lens on. Remove the lens and reflector assembly. Twist the rubber bulb holder to remove it from the lens/reflector. Pull the bulb straight out. Replace the bulb. Installation is opposite of above.

What materials are conductors in a torch?

The conducting path of a torch is a simple circuit: Battery to switch, switch to bulb, bulb back to battery. Provided the switch is on, and there are no breaks in the circuit wiring (and the bulb is good), the torch should work.

Why is there glass on the end of a torch?

It is there to protect the bulb.

What does r30 mean on a light bulb?

R30 refers to the size and shape of a reflector light bulb. It has a diameter of 3.75 inches and is often used for directional lighting in recessed cans. The "R" stands for "reflector" while "30" is a measurement in eighths of an inch for the diameter of the bulb.

How do workers change the light bulb in the torch on the statue of liberty?

Walk to the torch with a latter and change