Because they use them as base camps for shelter, sleep and a place to re-energize and eat.
There are many reason why climbers dont survive on Mount Everest. Avalanches, rockfall, bad weather, illness, a fall, snowblindness are just a few reasons. For more take a look at the articles in the links I have given.
There many things that used to stop people escaping from the camps. The camps were heavily guarded and most people feared for their lives and thus chose to stay in the camps.
Mount Everest has not stopped growing, it grows about 4mm every year.
There was no 'international policeman' to stop them.
the people running the camps ran away or surrendered
there was nothing wrong or illegal about concentration camps. It was what people in them did that was wrong.
when Germany surrendered to the allies
Allied troops overran Nazi positions in 1945 and liberated the camps through direct military force.
well yes and no.Concentration camps stopped before Hitler died, 2 prisoners escaped from Aushcwitz and told the Jewish citizens about the camps.
No. Stop listening to Alex Jones.
The Allies (including Britain) stopped the Nazi concentration camps and the Holocaust by invading and defeating Nazi Germany.
Belayers use friction by controlling the rope to create tension and help prevent the climber from falling. By holding the rope in a certain way and using their body position, belayers can manage the amount of friction on the rope to regulate the climber's speed and stop them safely. Proper friction management is essential for effective belaying and ensuring the climber's safety.