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I don't think too many people actually HATE it, but many more women than men are quite disinterested. Tip for guys: If you take the time to teach a woman HOW to watch football , she very well might develop an interest in it. When there was no football in school for girls, we just saw a bunch of guys running around.I was lucky enough to have a patient man teach me so I could enjoy it ,and carry on an informed conversation about it. The biggest problem now is behavioral issues of a few, and some find the exorbitant salaries repugnant.After all, these are not neurosurgeons.

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13y ago
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11y ago

I'm not sure, some people don't like to stay fit, they just want to eat twinkies and watch T.V. all day

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13y ago

Many people dont like sports. For instince my mom hates them. Me i love them. Less than half of the people across the world dont like sports. That is the scienctiffical answer

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12y ago

it is impossible to hate sports

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