They wear high socks because their names are Antonio, they pierce their own ears, and they have BUSHY eyebrows.....
Especially young men in school are not necessarily immature, but just shy. On the other hand some Jocks are more likely to be so in love with themselves they they could well be playing an evasive game to get you interested in them.
no i don't think guys should wear makeup their handsome WITHOUT makeup so no but there is a lot of people agree this is just what i think
Guys can be dumb in so many ways and ask the most stupidest question but if you really think about it there pretty cool and sweet now if you talk about a school jocks then that a whole new story.
Same reason why guys wear guys boxers, they're more comfortable.
No, everyone is different, so they cannot wear high waisted jeans.
It's pretty much a survival tactic. The fact that the 'jocks' already beat the nerds for nothing is one thing, but to give them a reason is another.
I've seen guys wear silly bandz in my school, but it's more popular with the girls. It matters if you want to wear them or not ( So don't be worried that you're the only person rather fond of those silly bandz).
You should wear a jockstrap with a cup for contact sports such as football, baseball, hockey, etc. But it's important to wear a jockstrap for support for anything involving running, jumping, or twisting - even without direct hits - track, basketball, soccer, etc.
In the same way she would wear any other item of clothing.
In my opinion it seems a little weenie; but I'm not your mother, so wear what you like... umm 1st for WHAT reason are you going to wear a lipgloss? but if you want to you can
So groups of meathead jocks dont mess with them?
I'm guessing that this is a guy so........ why do guys wear underwear. Yeah, it's pretty simple. Hope I helped:)