i guess, jerking your pennis will feel you great,couze im 14 years old
and when i was 8, i started to jerk,untill now
im doing it at private,,,,god.feel awesome...............
you're a jerk
The main singer of the song "you're a jerk" are the "New Boyz".
well, boys are naturally stupid and girls are not so that is where the saying boys will be boys came from!
new boyz
yes it is made before the new boys came out.
Yes they did. They also made up the song.
im a guy and honestly most guys are jerks but others arent. not every guy is mean. thanks..... are you a jerk cause if you are..... NO THANKS! do you jerk on your toliet seat??
I have the same problem ;). Boys will be boys...and they will learn when they get older how much of an idiot they were. But for now, he probably likes you! Boys act like a jerk and can be rude when they like a girl. Just like they did when they were 5 years old and they stole your crayon! Remember, boys mature slower than girls.. so just be patient! Hope this helps!! :)
no, you dont have to. I love it when boys are sweet or funny but as long as your not a jerk your good.
Down- Jay SeigneLove Drunk- Boys like GirlsYour a Jerk- Newz boyzStarStruck-3OH3
its kind of a knee jerk reaction when we are in pleasure it happens without thinking