Because it is a peace sign for all 5 continents to come together and bond for a single purpose.
The Olympics take place because it is a great way for all the countrys to get together and to compeate. It is a great way to show your talent and to win medals for your country! Not just all these great ways to take place in the Olympics, but the Olympics is a tradition that happens once every 4 years. They still happen today and hopfully will still happen years from now...
they take place every 4 years at different places each year so it is not sure exactly where it will be held
The Summer Olympics normally take place in late July or early August. The Winter Olympics take place in February.
The Olympics take place every how many year?
The Olympics take place in August
The 2016 Olympics will take place in Rio and the 2018 winter Olympics will take place in South Korea.
The Summer Olympics take place every four years.
The Winter Olympics did not take place in 1953. They took place in 1952 in Oslo, Norway.
=The summer Olympics takes place in a part of a world such as last year it happened at Beijing, China and the next Olympics will take place at London=
The Olympics takes place in a different country everytime it's on.
There were no Olympics held in 1953.
It will take place in London
The sailing take place English channel