Tonya Harding's birth name is Harding, Tonya Maxine.
The courts found she did.
Tonya Harding was born on November 12, 1970.
Tonya Harding is 46 years old (birthdate: November 12, 1970).
Nancy Kerrigan was injured in an attack before the Olympics. The culprit turned out to be a friend of fellow skater Tonya Harding.
Her name is Tonya Harding and she is 5'1''
She is 5'1''
Tonya Harding.tonya harding went to rowe middle school i go there too she also went to milwaukie high school
Tonya Harding, her then husband and one of his friends were accused of plotting the attack. Tonya didn't actually carry out the attack but was a conspirator. Tonya Harding.
Tonya Harding.
tonya harding went to rowe middle school i go there too she also went to milwaukie high school
Tonya Harding.