The horn is used for a couple of reasons in fox hunting. Many times, the horn will be used to establish the hunter's position. Also, this is a great tool to use to get the attention of the hunting hounds.
In the USPC foxhunting is usually going with an adult on a special Junior Meet that most hunts will do in conjunction with the local pony club. These meets are usually shorter and slower than most hunts but you get to talk a lot with your friends. I would advise going on one of these first if you have a green horse, just to get him/her used to foxhunting.
horns and drums
England (UK)
Fox hunting is banned in the UK.
The different types of horns commonly used in musical instruments are brass horns, woodwind horns, and natural horns. Brass horns include the trumpet, trombone, and French horn. Woodwind horns include the saxophone and clarinet. Natural horns are typically made from animal horns and are used in traditional and folk music.
The animal with the most horns is the African buffalo, which typically has a pair of thick, curved horns that form a "boss" on top of its head. These horns are used for defense against predators and other buffalo during fights for dominance within the herd.
They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.
They use their horns for fighting or defenses purposes.
Triceratops's horns were used to fight off predators, as well as being used by males to fight over dominance and/or mates. The frill originally evolved in the ancestors of Triceratops as a display, but it became thick and helped to provide some protection during an attack by a predator or during a headbutting match.
they were used for tools.
These horns are used to protect the bushing on transformers. The horns also form a sparking gap for the insulators.
Vuvuzeles are the horns used in Africian soccer games and at the Olympics.