A number of organizations are involved in the organization of the Olympic Games. Collectively, they are known as the Olympic Movement. The Olympic Charter outlines the rules and guidelines by which these organizations operate. At the head of the Olympic Movement is the International Olympic Commitee, or IOC. It is currently headed by Jacques Rogge. The IOC makes the important decisions, such as which city hosts the Olympics.
The commitee that runs the olympics is the IOC. It is run by Jaques Rogge
the olympic games, of course!
There were no Olympic games in 1993. There were summer Olympic games in 1992 and 1996. There were winter Olympic games in 1992 and 1994.
In order to be considered for the Olympic games, a sport must have an international organization that runs the competitions. It must be practiced in enough countries to make it truly international.
In California 1899 and But Todays Olympic Games Are Better Then The Histories Olympic Games Or Known As What Was Games Of The I Olymaid In California 1899 and But Todays Olympic Games Are Better Then The Histories Olympic Games Or Known As What Was Games Of The I Olymaid
After the olympic games in Beijing the next olympic games are in London, England in 2012
The organizer of the Olympic Games is the International Olympic Committee.
36 olympic games
There were no Olympic Games in 2005
in greacs
The next Summer Olympic Games are in 2012 in London, England.