Usain Bolt, 9.58 seconds for the 100 meter dash, 19.19 seconds for the 200 meter.
what are the fastest knockout in tough man history
buggati 12-11 is the fastest production in the history of man kind
the fastest car in history are Bugatti SS96 and Jaguar XJ115
The fastest qualifying lap (in MPH) in NASCAR History took place at Talladega Superspeedway in 1987. Bill Elliott turned in a lap of 212.809 MPH to become the fastest man in NASCAR with a record that will never be broken in NASCAR.
The fastest man on earth is the great Usain Bolt.
John Wall holds the record for the fastest 20m sprint time in the NBA combine history, clocking in at 3.14 seconds.
Yes he is the fastest man alive and most people think he will remain the fastest.
YES usian bolt is the fastest man alive
Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world, and he has legs.
Darrell Green.Bob Hayes. He was the world's fastest human
the fastest man in the NFL is William Ole's he managed to run as fast as 50mph
many people refer to Devin Hester as the fastest man in the NFL capable of running a 4.26 40 yard dash.