He is a boy who Terrence got involved with
And Terrence wanted to be part of his gang
But gecko and arjay didnt like him so Terrence stopes hanging out with them but deandre wanted payback for dropping their friendship.
"Juvie Three" by Gordon Korman has 160 pages in the paperback edition.
One symbol in the juvie three is douglas healy's bowling trophy. it symbolizes achievement.
The book "The Juvie Three" is told from an omniscient third-person point of view, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
that he is sensitive Roxana seas it
The character traits for Gecko from the book "Juvie Three" are cunning, resourceful, and independent. Gecko relies on his wit and quick thinking to navigate challenging situations and is adept at finding solutions to problems on his own.
deandre day
The antagonist of the "Juvie Three" is Sonny, a dangerous criminal who tries to take advantage of the three protagonists and pressures them into participating in a robbery. Sonny's manipulation and threats create tension and conflict in the story as the protagonists struggle to break free from his control.
He's a really gay black man
not really the vocab words that i know of are preaty easy
The Wandering Juvie was created on 2004-03-28.
He is very ignorent and ungrateful until the end of the book.