it is very close. I would say joe Johnson but if i had to build a playoff contending team around either player, it would be Brandon roy.
Kobe is much more dominant player than Brandon Roy.
Roy Johnson
Brandon Roy was born on July 23, 1984.
Brandon Roy was born on July 23, 1984.
Brandon Overbey goes by Booger.
Brandon Roy Brandon Roy
Brandon Roy is 32 years old (birthdate: July 23, 1984).
An official fan phone number for Brandon Roy is not known at this time.
Brandon Roy currently plays in the NBA for the Minnesota Timberwolves. Brandon Roy was drafted in 2006, 6th overall by the Portland Trailblazers and won Rookie of the Year.
Roy Johnson died on 1973-09-10.
Brandon roy's wife
yes but it is brown