Ty Cobb has the highest batting average, with a .366 bating average.
The Minnesota Twins with a .287 batting average.
Ty Cobb batted .367 for his career. That is the highest career batting average in major league baseball history.
Chipper Jones won the 2008 National League Batting title with a .364 batting average, and Joe Mauerwon the 2008 American League batting title with a .328 batting Average.
Hanley Ramirez won the 2009 National League Batting title with a .342 batting average, and Joe Mauer won the 2009 American League batting title with a .365 batting Average.
In 2005 Derrek Lee led the National League in batting with a .335 average, and Michael Young led the American League with a .331 average.
Carlos Gonzalez of the Colorado Rockies won the 2010 National League batting title with a .336 average.
.262 The American League's average was .266 and the National League's average was .258.
in 1939 Joe DiMaggio led the American league in batting with a .381 average.
Chipper Jones won the 2008 National League Batting title with a .364 batting average, and Joe Mauer won the 2008 American League batting title with a .328 batting Average.
Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants won the National League batting title with a .362 average. It was his second batting title in three seasons. He won the 2002 crown with a .370 average.
The average batting average of all teams in the National League in 2008 was .260. The average batting average of all teams in the American League in 2008 was .268.
According to Baseball Reference, through games played on June 19, 2008 the National League batting average was .259 and the American League batting average was .263. The National All-time average is .260.